Low Maintenance Plants For Your  Balcony

Not having a yard doesn’t prevent anyone from having a garden. With limited space, one has to be strategic about what one chooses to grow on their balcony. Here are some of the low maintenance plants for your balcony.


Aloe Vera

aloe vera


We all know the advantages of Aloe Vera. It rejuvenates skin and hair and can be used to treat minor wounds and much more. You only have to water it only when the soil is completely dry, and this insect-resistant plant doesn’t need high care. 


Money Plant ( Devil’s Ivy)

Money Plant


There is a saying that if you have this plant in your home, there will not be any financial crisis. It is called a money plant because of its round, plumb, flat leaves that might with a bit of imagination look like a coin. Money plant grows in direct & indirect sunlight & have high survival rates. This plant is also known as Golden pothos, Ceylon Creeper, and Hunter’s Robe. This plant just needs a little attention. Water it just once a week and it will filter out pollutants from the air before it enters the room. 


Spider plant

Spider plant


The name comes from its spider-like plants, or spiderettes, which droop down from the mother plant like spiders on a web. his plant can grow in a wide range of conditions and suffers from few problems, other than brown tips.

All you have to do is keep the soil moist during summers but refrain from watering it before the soil dries during winters. Place two pots of this pretty plant along with the balcony door and step into a balcony of impulsive charm!


Basil (Tulsi)


Basil is a herb in the mint family. It adds flavour to meals, and its nutrients may provide many health benefits. Place it along with other plants that need some sunlight, water it occasionally and you have the king of herbs available for free on your balcony. The Indian variety of basil known as tulsi is widely known and used for its medicinal benefits and boosting immunity. One of the must-have plants on your balcony


Jade Plant

Jade Plant


Jade plants are succulent houseplants, which makes them fairly resilient and easy to grow on your balcony. They’re capable of living a long, long time with a little care!

The jade plant is widely gifted as the ‘friendship tree’. It does not burn in sunlight, does not need any water and can flourish in the toughest of soils. 





a succulent plant with a thick fleshy stem which typically bears spines lacks leaves and has brilliantly coloured flowers. 

The cactus is indeed the best choice for your balcony. If it can survive in a desert, it can surely thrive on your balcony. Some varieties of the cactus flower once a year, so you want to pick that up if you want a little bit of colour along with a lot of thorns. It is one of the best low maintenance balcony plants.


Desert Rose

Desert Rose


Speaking of deserts, Adenium or desert rose is one of the best flowering plants for your home balcony. These east African and Arabian natives are wonderful in the interior container garden or as warm climate additions to the patio display.

This tiny plant can resist wreckage and dues to its small size, it is best kept in pairs or bunches.




Pansies can be grown even in small wooden boxes in the darkest corners of your balcony. Its beautiful fragrance and vibrant flowers will fill your hearts with joy and your balcony with colour!


Boston Fern

Boston Fern


The most beautiful looking fern with frilly leaves and hanging fronds, the Boston fern will look glorious in a basket that hangs from your balcony’s ceiling. Extremely easy to care for, you can take a long trip to Boston and this plant will still be as green as ever once you are back.


We suggest keeping an aloe vera and hard-to-kill variety like jade plant first and gradually you can start adding flowers to the mix. The most important thing you should take care of is the planter pots. Makes sure to plant in the best planter pots so that plants flourish and avoid making your balcony dirty. 

Falcons Fiber India manufactures the best planter pots in India. Contact us to order yours now.


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